Body of Work
Current Projects
Healing Histories Project deepens and expands relationships between and among abolitionist healers/health practitioners, community organizers, researchers/historians & cultural workers building solidarity to interrupt the Medical Industrial Complex and harmful systems of care.
Changing Frequencies
An abolitionist organizing project that designs cultural memory work to disrupt harms and violence from the Medical Industrial Complex (MIC).
Healing Justice Lineages: Dreaming at the Crossroads of Liberation, Collective Care, and Safety
A profound offering and call to action—collective stories, testimonials, and incantations for renewing political and spiritual liberation grounded in Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and Queer and Trans healing justice lineages.
Curator & Producer
Produced a Special Series on COVID-19 & the Medical Industrial Complex on Fortification Podcast; co-produced with Auburn Seminary, Anjali Taneja & Susan Raffo (2020).
Part I: Past: Rooting in histories, we have been here before. Co-moderated with Caitlin Breedlove, featuring TL Lewis and Anjali Taneja (2020)
Part II: Present: What is emerging in COVID times? Moderated by Anjali Taneja & Caitlin Breedlove, featuring Michelle Morse, Francisca Porchas, and Jack Tchen. (2020)
Part III: Future: Spiritual and political mandates for our future. Moderated by Susan Raffo & Caitlin Breedlove, featuring Erica Woodland, and Shira Hassan. (2020)
Part IV: Abolition in COVID times: Weaving strategies for healing justice and transformative justice. Co-moderated with Caitlin Breedlove, featuring Mia Mingus, Shira Hassan and Sonali Sadequee (2020)
“Psalm for the Mismeasured and Unfit” (Trailer)
A performance installation curated, written, and produced by Cara Page
With curatorial and research assistant Nicola Glen Douglas, choreodirector and creative collaborator Ebony Noelle Golden, performers Vesta Walker, Jaime Dzandu, Audrey Hailes, Jehan Roberson, Sara Abdullah, and videographer New York Native Video. Premiered at Subverting Surveillance: Strategies to End State Violence, Scholar and Feminist Conference, February 2018
Page was invited to present new works at the Asian Pacific American (APA) Institute NYU exhibition of Haunted Files: The Eugenics Record Office, an immersive recreation of the Long Island epicenter of the American eugenics movement. Drawing from the exhibition’s reproduced materials, which included eugenics lecture notes, hand-drawn pedigree charts, and endless “human trait” files, these creative works engage with the history of scientific racism in the US and its enduring legacy on how we talk about and understand race, immigration, intelligence, and belonging. She performed the first iteration of, ‘A Poet’s Psalm for the Mismeasured’. Premiered at the America & Its Unfit: Eugenics Then & Now Conference envisioned and coordinated by Jack Tchen & Mindi Fullilove, September 2015.
“Good medicine: A soundscape featuring interviews with Kindred Southern Healing Justice Collective,” February 2013.
“Listen You Can Hear the Mothers Crying in the Universe: A Black Feminist Poet’s Requiem for Our Black Warrior Toni,” The Feminist Wire, November 19, 2014.
“Are we ready to be well?” The Feminist Wire, November 19, 2014.
“Healing Justice at the US Social Forum: A Report from Atlanta, Detroit, and Beyond,” 2013.
Co-authored with Evelyn Lynn, Noemi Y. Molitor, and Lamont Sims, “A Conversation about Southerners on New Ground: Transformation, Legacy and Movement Building in the U.S. South,” June 2010.
“Reflections from Detroit: Transforming Wellness and Wholeness,” Project South, Volume 18, Issue 2, Fall 2010.
Co-authored with Rita Valenti, Kate Shapiro, Megan Price, Breanna Lathrop, and Punam Sachdev, “Introduction to the Healing, Health & Environmental Justice Process,” The United States Social Forum: Perspectives of a Movement, January 2010. (PDF available.)
Sins Invalid Performance with Cara Page and Leroy Moore, 2008.
Co-authored with Etobssie Wako, “Chapter 9. Depo Diaries and the Power of Stories,” in Telling Stories to Change the World: Global Voices on the Power of the Narrative to Build Community and Make Social Justice Claims, eds. Rickie Solinger, Madeline Fox, Kayhan Irani, New York: Routledge, 2008.
Co-authored with Doug Paterson, Elizabeth Kasl, Elizabeth Canner, Kathie deNobriga, Timothea Howard, Annie Lanzillotto, and Pam McMichael, “Art, creative practice, action, and leadership.” New York, NY: Research Center for Leadership in Action, 2008.
“Controlling our Communities Through Our Bodies,” speech delivered at Let’s Talk About Sex Conference, SisterSong, Chicago, IL, June 1, 2007.
Collaborator with Suzanne Pharr, Paulina Helm-Hernandez and Caitlin Breedlove, “Alchemy: The Elements of Creating Collective Space,” Southerners on New Ground.
Healing and Transformative Justice: Imagining Black Feminist/Abolitionist Futures hosted by the Goethe Institute in NYC; featuring conversations with Cara Page, Mariame Kaba & Adaku Utah.
Conversation with Isha Weerasinghe of the Center for Law & Social Policy on Healing Justice; August 2020.
Featured on Good Morning America with Patrisse Cullors, ‘What is Healing Justice?’ August 2020
Human Rights Resilience Project, interview by Ria Singh Sawhney, Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, NYU Law, June 2018.
Finding Inspiration: With Cara Page, Barnard College, June 2017.
Strengthening Your Activism: With Cara Page, Barnard College, June 2017.
Interview by Caitlin Breedlove, Fortification: Spiritual Sustenance for Movement Leadership, Standing on the Side of Love, October 25, 2016.
Kindred Healing Justice Collective: An Interview with Cara Page, February 2013.
“Lifting Up Legacy, Place and Healing,” interview with Cara Page, Transformative Change, February 3, 2011.
Featured speaker, Podcast in honor of Toni Cade Bambara, March 25, 2010.
Public Speaking
Delivered the 27th Rose Sheinberg Lecture on New Cosmologies for Freedom in the 21st Century at NYU Law. March 2021.
Keynote Address: The Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy’s Annual Bridge Speaker Event at MSU Denver. February 2021.
Featured speaker at The 41st Annual Marion Thompson Wright Lecture Series, One Begins Again: Organizing & the Historical Imagination with Alicia Garza and Bill Fletcher Jr., and moderated by Barbara Ransby. February 2021.
Moderated Black Feminist Voices RoundTable on the Legacies of Sterilization & Resistance hosted by Project South, on the recent whistleblowing of the massive sterilizations at the Irwin County Detention Center in the state of Georgia. Featuring Dawn Wooten, the whistleblower, Wendy Dowe, a survivor with Dr. Michelle Morse & Loretta Ross all bringing powerful analysis. November 2020.
Hosted by the Open Society Foundation; presented on the role of healing justice on the panel; ‘Can Healing Be our North Star: Reimagining Health, Well-Being and Collective Liberation’ with co-presenters, Professor Jack Tchen, and artist Anicka Yi. November 19th, 2020.
2020 Hindsight Conference, a conference on urban planning through an equity lens. Co-panelist for ‘Our Health, Our Future’ Keynote with Indigenous/ Environmental Justice Organizer Maya Lazzaro. November 12th, 2020.
National Women Studies Association Panel on Care Work & Economy with panelists: Ai-Jen Poo & Linda Oalican, moderated by Premilla Nadasen. October 19th, 2020.
‘Healing Justice & Transformative Justice on Steps to End Prisons & Policing; A MixTape on Transformative Justice’ with Erica Woodland; Curated & produced by the Just Practice Collaborative. August 2020.
Co-presented on Healing Justice on the National Women’s March Feminist Futures Series with Tamika Middleton & Susan Raffo, moderated by Caitlin Breedlove. August 2020.
Reimagining Racial Justice, in times of crisis and beyond, hosted by the Asian American Federation. June 2020.
Spiritual Strategies, curated and co-presented by Adaku Utah, with Erica Woodland; a series for spiritual and healing response for BIPOC frontline healthcare workers, healers and community organizers in the time of COVID, 2020.
Curating as Healing with the Emerging Curators Institute (ECI) featuring Cara Page in dialogue with ECI Fellows Amirah Ellison and Adrienne Doyle. Hosted by the Minnesota Museum of American Art. (April 19th, 2020)
Curated the MIC Timeline for the Ancient Song Doula 4th Annual Decolonize Birth Conference, ‘Truth & Reconciliation: For a Liberated Reproductive Justice Movement,’ held at the Weeksville Heritage Center, Brooklyn NY. (September 21-22, 2019)
CUNY Center for the Study of Women & Society presented, ‘Mapping the Sacred; Transforming the Medical Industrial Complex’ (March 2019)
Hampshire College featured speaker on the Medical Industrial Complex and Population Control featuring the MIC Timeline Project (December 2018)
Allied Media Conference: Healing Justice Lineages: A History Discussion with Autumn Brown, Adela Nieves Martinez, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Rico, Triana Kazaleh Sirdenis (June 2018)
Invited guest speaker for seminar on Medical Industrial Complex and Population Control, in conversation with Kara Lynch. Hosted by Population and the Environment, Hampshire College, Spring/Summer 2018.
Invited instructor for presentation on community-led care and safety strategies, Online Trauma Informed Certificate Program, NYU School of Social Work, Spring/Summer 2018.
Invited guest speaker for seminar on eugenic violence, transformative justice, and cultural work, Human Rights & Oral History: Memory, Testimony, and Trauma, Columbia University, Spring/Summer 2018.
Workshop with Autumn Brown, Adela Nieves Martinez, Cara Page, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Rico, Triana Kazaleh Sirdenis, and Anjali Taneja, Healing Justice Lineages: A History Discussion, Allied Media Conference, June 2018.
The 43rd Annual Scholar & Feminist Conference; “Subverting Surveillance: Strategies to End State Violence” hosted by Barnard College at the Barnard Center for Research on Women. Panel entitled, “Its known and unknown powers / to bind and dissociate”: Forensic Surveillance and the Policing of Biology. Featuring Shoshana Magnet, Cara Page, Rori Rohlfs, and Harriet Washington. Moderated by Anthony Ureña. Featuring a trailer of, “Psalm for the Mismeasured and Unfit” (Trailer), a testimonial on the Medical Industrial Complex (February 2018)
Panelist, “Police Responses to Violence,” Invisible No More: Resisting Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color in Troubled Times, November 3-4, 2017.
Panelist, The Homecoming: A Creative Emancipation Mini-Festival with the Hemispheric Institute, produced by BDAC (Betty’s Daughters Arts Collaborative) and Ebony Noelle Golden, October 2017.
Panelist with Charlene Carruthers, Resisting Racial Violence: Making Our Communities Safe, 19th Annual Eqbal Ahmad Symposium; Life in a Penal Democracy: Race, Policing & the Limits of Liberal Reform, Hampshire College, October 25, 2017.
Panelist with Julia Bennett (Harriet’s Apothecary, Third Root Community Health Center), Jes Kelley (Dismantling Racism), and moderator Agustina Vidal (The Icarus Project), Healing Legacies: A Panel on Intergenerational Trauma, December 2016.
Keynote speaker, “Desire, Pleasure, and Sexual Liberation,” In Our Own Voices, Inc., National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People of Color Health Conference, October 14-25, 2016.
Workshop facilitator with Tasha Amezcua, “Safety and Community Care Tools for the People,” In Our Own Voices, Inc., National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People of Color Health Conference, October 14-15, 2016.
Panelist with Anne Hendrixson, Shana M. Griffin,“Eugenics and Population Control”, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), Hampshire College, April 9, 2016.
Workshop faciliator, A Timeline Installation on Resiliency Strategies to Transform the MIC, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), Hampshire College, April 9, 2016.
Invited guest speaker, “Theorizing Activism” course taught by Janet Jakobsen and Elizabeth Bernstein, Barnard College, Fall 2016.
Workshop facilitator with Susan Raffo, Healing Justice Workshop, People’s Movement Center, October 3, 2015.
Panelist with Reina Gossett, Cara Page, and Terry Boggis, Gender, Sexuality, HIV, and Reproductive Justice, Invisible Lives, Targeted Bodies Conference, Queer Survival Economies and the Barnard Center for Research on Women, Barnard College, January 23-24, 2015.
Presenter, “A Poet’s Psalm for the Mismeasured,” Pushing Back the New World System Roundtable, American and Its Unfit: Eugenics Then and Now, NYU APA Institute, September 25, 2015.
Presented on ‘Creative Detoxifying Panel, Pushing Back the New World System Roundtable’, Performance Video of “A Poet’s Psalm for the Mismeasured”, American and Its Unfit: Eugenics Then and Now, NYU APA Institute, September 25, 2015.
Trainer, “Eugenics and the Medical Industrial Complex,” New Leadership Networking Initiative, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), Hampshire College, June 14-17, 2015.
Panelist with Bridget Tolley (Families of Sisters in Spirit), Clarissa Rojas (INCITE!), Ash Stephens (Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander), Dominique McKinney (Young Women’s Empowerment Project), Tannia Esparza (Young Women United), “Insurgent Possibilities,” Color of Violence Conference, INCITE!, March 27, 2015.
Panelist with Conversation Dana Davis, Catlin Fullwood, Elsa Rios, Andrea Ritchie, and Beth E. Ritchie, Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and America’s Prison Nation, Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, New York, NY, March 5, 2013.
Panelist with C. Angel Torres, Karla L. Brollier, Tameka L. Gillum, “Health Research Rooted in Community Panel,” From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), Hampshire College, 2012.
Workshop facilitator with Rachel Caballero, “Transformative Justice Workshop,” From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), Hampshire College, 2012.
Trainer, Summer Leadership Institute, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), Hampshire College, June 20-23, 2011. (YouTube Video)
Workshop facilitator, “Healing and Health Justice: Collective Wellness and Safety Strategies,” National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs’ Annual Regional Training Academy, May 7, 2011.
Panelist with Telesh Lopez, Tanuja Jagernauth, “Healing Organizers: Social Justice and Healing Work,” Audre Lorde Project, September 7, 2010.
Panelist with Piya Chatterjee, Chela Delgado, Emi Kane, Jenny Lee, Karla Mejia, and Kiri Sailiata, “Reflections from Detroit: Reflections,” Allied Media Conference, August 25, 2010.
Keynote speaker with Ai-jen Poo ED of the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA), “Staying Resilient in Tough Times,” Money for our Movements, Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT), August 12-13, 2010.
Curated and conceived by Anjali Taneja, the workshop “Health is Dignity, Dignity is Resistance,” at the Allied Media Conference, 2010. Panelist with Sonali Sadequee (Kindred Healing Justice Collective), Maryse Mitchell-Brody (Rock Dove Collective), and TK Karakashian.
Trainer, New Leadership Networking Initiative, Summer Leadership Institute, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), Hampshire College, April 3-5, 2009.
Plenary speaker, From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), Hampshire College, April 16, 2009.
Workshop facilitator with Patty Berne and Mia Mingus: “Re-envisioning the Revolutionary Body: Disability, Race, Queerness and the Possibility of Cross-movement Building,” January 2009.
Trainer, New Leadership Networking Initiative, Summer Leadership Institute, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), Hampshire College, April 16, 2009. July 9-12, 2007.
Presenter with Emily Galpern and Mia Mingus, “Surviving Ourselves: Unpacking Reproductive Justice, Genetic Technologies, and Eugenics,” Let’s Talk About Sex Conference, SisterSong, Chicago, IL, June 1, 2007.
Facilitator with Adaku Utah, “Balancing Our Own Joy,” New Leadership Networking Initiative, Summer Leadership Institute, Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program (CLPP), Hampshire College, April 16, 2009. March 30, 2007.
Workshop facilitator with Marsha Darling and Ryn Gluckman, “Absolving the Rich, Scapegoating the Poor: Deconstructing the Myth of Population Control,” AWID Forum: How Does Change Happen? Bangkok, Thailand, October 27-30, 2005.
Panelist, “The Privatization of Genes and Seeds,” World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2005.
Cultural Worker with the INCITE! Sisterfire Multimedia Tour and organizer of the ‘Dangerous Contraceptives’ Workshop at the Color of Violence III conference in New Orleans, 2004.